Ryan Brooks is a senior at Penn State Abington currently studying sculpture and art history. In 2019, his work was featured in the Penn State Abington Senior Showcase, in which he received Honorable Mentions. His main concern with climate change is that the majority of Earth’s population will wait passively until it is too late to save the planet. The power to correct our course is within the hands of the masses, but not nearly enough people are effectively using the power of collective action. His research is primarily concerned with mass movements surrounding climate change, and the efforts of those in power to subvert these movements. Ryan sees Utah Phillips as an important figure in environmental activism; his most prescient line on climate change was this:
“The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses”.
Relating to this quote, Ryan believes there are important lessons to be learned from environmental groups such as the Earth Liberation Front.
For the installation, Ryan is doing a fair bit of construction such as sawing wood and painting, though he may take up more roles as they become necessary. His goals are to educate and radicalize people towards action. The most critical time to prevent further climate chaos is now, and things will only get exponentially worse if not confronted by massive resistance.
Twitter: @yosemiteqassam