Molly Davis is a junior at Penn State Abington and is studying for as an art major and English minor. She is currently involved in producing a mural for the Penn State Abington campus as well as David Buckley Borden’s installation project. She received the Bertha Lear Purchase Award for her drawing in 2019, where her work was purchased by Penn State Abington and is on display on campus.
Molly is curious to learn more about climate change and how it affects the global environment. She holds concern for how different ecosystems are being affected negatively and would like to find solutions to uphold the health of the environment. She greatly admires Wangari Muta Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement and former member of parliament in Kenya. Maathai is known for her environmental and political activism, fighting deforestation and advocating for women’s rights. Molly admires Maathai’s conviction in her work and sees her success as hope for the future concerning climate change.
For this project, Molly is creating a display in the library showcasing the Data Decision Trees project. The display includes information about David Buckley Borden, his past and current projects, and general information about climate change and art activism. She is also writing and editing for the project blog. For this project she hopes to learn more about both climate change and how art can be used as a form of activism.